Tips to Shed Those Extra Pounds

Let’s talk about how to crank up your metabolism and speed up your weight loss journey. Don’t worry; it’s not rocket science! I’ve  got some easy peasy tips to help you shed those extra pounds faster. Let’s dive in and get started!


Get Moving: Exercise is your metabolism’s best friend! No need for fancy gym equipment or complicated routines – simply get moving every day. Take a stroll, do some jumping jacks, or dance around your living room. Anything that gets your heart pumping will work wonders for your metabolism.


Quick Bursts of Energy: You don’t need hours of exercise to boost your metabolism. Quick bursts of energy, like running up the stairs or doing jumping squats during TV commercials, can do the trick. Little bursts add up, and they’re a fun way to keep things fresh! Although you don’t need big workouts, studies do show that the longer and more intense your workout the great the caloric burn.


Eat small meals and often: Your metabolism boosts by 2% for 2-3 hours after every meal. So don’t skip meals and try not to go longer than 5 hours between meals: No dieting needed! Eat balanced portions and savor the flavors. Remember, it’s about feeling good and staying on track, not counting every calorie.


Protein is a superhero for weight loss: It helps you feel full and satisfied, plus it gives your metabolism a boost. Enjoy some lean protein sources, beans, or a handful of nuts –


Break your fast like a champ: It’s like putting fuel in your car – you need it to get going. Grab some oatmeal, yogurt, or whole-grain toast to wake up your metabolism and keep hunger at bay.
 Protein and complex carbohydrates are the best source of energy in the morning!


Eat & go: Get up and go for a walk after that meal & turn those calories into heat and burn them off.


Portion Control:  If you tend to eat more than one portion then try to stick to one, but fill it with nutrient dense food.


Don’t skip meals!!!! 


Remember, it’s all about finding what works for you and having some fun along the way. We are all unique and what works best for one person may not for another. Find what works for YOU and stick to it.