Back To School Lunch Tips

It’s BACK TO SCHOOL and for many, the most dreaded part are the lunches that need to be packed daily!

I get it! Why? Simply because even the most enjoyable tasks become chores when they need to be done in a timely manner every single day. We love our kids and we want them to be healthy and happy but time  management is something most working parents struggle with on the daily and this is why lunches can start off looking like gourmet meals and by year’s end in paper bagged “whatever we can find in the fridge- here’s John’s 2 day old sandwich” type of lunches.

Let’s explore some tips to kick off Back to School Lunches:

  •  Get a notebook and jot down all possible LUNCH IDEAS
  •  Make lunches ahead of time- (See MEAL PREP ideas)
  • Organize lunches for the week in clear Tupperware containers in the fridge
    • Portion your fruits and vegetables in zip locks or containers for easy grab ‘n go.
    • Break apart yogurts and cheese sticks and organize all snacks by day.*Tip if you are not using pre- portioned yogurt you can add frozen berries or mango to them to keep them cold an add some nutritious flavour.
  • Make extra sandwiches and freeze them! According to The Tasting Table  the best freeze options are tuna and chicken, nut butters as well but they are typically not allowed in school (but great options for mom and dad!). Home-made muffins also free very well!
    • *Although sandwich meats are an easy option, I would use them in moderation as they are high in sodium, nitrates and other additives and coloring which can impact your children’s health over time.
  • Use a durable thermos and send them to school with hot lunch leftovers.
  • Check out these SMOOTHIE ICE CUBES, add a bit of water or none and just let defrost overnight.


Remember consistency is key, repetition using a routine that works for you creates a habit and less energy needs to be involved in the process making it a more sustainable option that trying to reach for perfection. Lunches don’t need to be fancy, they need to be practical.

I’d also like to take a moment to highlight another vital component-  Disposable packaging!!  Did you know that each student produces approximately 67 pounds of waste with disposable lunches per year in America? Doing our part to keep the earth healthy and happy is also vital to the future of our children.  Consider going a little “greener” this school year and invest in quality REUSABLE PACKAGING.

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